We’re building a powerful labor-climate movement to secure an ecologically sustainable and economically just future—from the ground up. 

So everyone can make a living on a living planet.

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EPA Workers Need Your Help to Protect Your Climate!

EPA Workers Need Your Help to Protect Your Climate!

Environmental Protection Agency workers protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and ensure a healthy environment for everyone. In the face of devastating climate change, we need them more than ever. The Trump Administration is gutting the EPA—slashing funding,...

Union Teachers Spreading the Word on Climate

Union Teachers Spreading the Word on Climate

How can unions educate their members about climate change? The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) just provided a sterling example. The entire current issue of its magazine American Educator is devoted to teachers and climate change. It is available free online....

Texas AFL-CIO Adopts Resolution on Climate Change

Texas AFL-CIO Adopts Resolution on Climate Change

Ryan Pollock, an inside wireman with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) writes about the recent AFL-CIO Convention in Texas: Not only were many of my fellow trades siblings—plenty of whom work in the fossil fuel industry or represent fossil...

Fire Drill Friday for Good Jobs

Fire Drill Friday for Good Jobs

On December 13, trade unionists and supporters demonstrated at the U.S. Capitol for “Good Jobs for a Green Future”—and then sat down and were arrested for refusing to leave and end their protest. The civil disobedience action was part of “Fire Drill Fridays,” a weekly...

Postal Workers Take on Climate Change

Postal Workers Take on Climate Change

The American Postal Workers Union has taken on the climate crisis within the national union structure by following up on their last national convention resolution “Climate Change, Jobs and Justice.” At its recent national All-Craft conference held in Las Vegas, the...

Juliana: Why Climate Rights Matter to Labor

Juliana: Why Climate Rights Matter to Labor

The Labor Network for Sustainability has just issued a briefing paper called “The Juliana Youth Climate Case: What’s It Mean for Labor?” maintaining that a climate rights lawsuit against the US government by 21 youth plaintiffs provides unions a valuable opportunity to ally with youth climate activists.

Global Labor Movement Voice the Global Climate Conference

Global Labor Movement Voice the Global Climate Conference

“As workers organizations we are faced with a very important responsibility. Social progress, has never come for free, without struggle from the people affected. This is also the case for climate protection. We need to fight for our place at the table and to see that our demands for climate justice are taken into account.”