The Trump Onslaught: What We Must Prepare For
Donald Trump and his entourage are so confused, conflicted, and detached from reality that it is difficult to anticipate what they will actually attempt and how much they will be able to carry their intentions through. We know their intentions include eliminating all barriers to their power; scapegoating of stigmatized groups; redistribution of wealth and income upward; and a war on the world to impose US domination and environmental destruction. Their efforts to realize these objectives will result in enormous destruction. Those efforts are also likely to result in a substantial pushback that could either overcome the MAGA project or simply fade away in the face of repression and despair.
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LNS Spotlight: Martina Manicastri
Each issue of Making a Living on a Living Planet we feature a member of the LNS network. This time it’s LNS’ new Young Worker Organizer Martina Manicastri.
Building a Society Where the Work We Do Nourishes and Protects Our Planet and All Who Live on It
The Labor Network for Sustainability mourns the catastrophic loss of life and homes in California.
The Los Angeles Fires Are the New Face of Climate Change
According to a statement on the Los Angeles fires by the Labor Network for Sustainability, “The fires are not a natural disaster.”
Workers Rally to Protect California Communities
Mass mutual aid operations, demands for disaster preparedness, and calls for climate readiness are just a few examples of the working class responding to the climate catastrophe brought by the extreme Santa Ana windstorm and devastating wildfires on January 7th in Los Angeles.
Ways to Help Workers and Communities Affected by the LA Fires
Unions such as the Los Angeles Federation of Labor and the California Teachers Association are providing resources to impacted communities. We applaud UTLA’s leadership in the unified response from united unions in the LA Unified School District to protect children and their families during this ongoing tragedy.
Social Self-Defense for the New MAGA Era
The Labor Network for Sustainability issued a report January 1st titled Defending Society Against MAGA Tyranny: A Prospectus for Action. The report, authored by labor historian and LNS co-founder and senior strategic advisor Jeremy Brecher, says…
Traveling for Labor and Climate Justice
This past December, I had the privilege of traveling to four incredible cities across the globe to discuss how we can build the power necessary to challenge the fossil fuel industry, strengthen worker power, and protect our planet. Each stop underscored the urgency of our mission and the shared struggles we face in this fight.
AFL-CIO Says, “Working people know that our fellow workers aren’t the problem—the real threat is billionaires”
The day after newly inaugurated President Donald Trump signed executive orders promoting mass deportations and the rolling back of immigrants’ rights, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler issued a statement that said in part…
Unions Mobilize to Protect Immigrant Workers
Many unions and labor councils have been creating emergency response programs and trainings to counter imminent immigrant raids.
In Case You Haven’t Heard…
A new report from risk management experts at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries finds that the global economy could face 50% loss in gross domestic product (GDP) between 2070 and 2090 from the catastrophic shocks of climate change unless immediate action by political leaders is taken to decarbonize and restore nature.
Snowflakes That Start an Avalanche
A review by Anjali Vaidya of The Green New Deal from Below by LNS newsletter editor Jeremy Brecher was just published in the Los Angeles Review of Books. Vaidaya writes in part…
The Labor Network for Sustainability mourns the catastrophic loss of life and homes in California.
Unions such as The Los Angeles Federation of Labor and The California Teachers Association are providing resources to impacted communities. We applaud UTLA’s leadership in the unified response from united unions in the LA Unified School District to protect children and their families during this ongoing tragedy.
LNS Spotlight: Mijin Cha
Mijin Cha is a co-author of the Labor Network for Sustainability Report “Workers and Communities in Transition: Report of the Just Transition Listening Project” a leading writer on just transition to a climate-safe economy, and an active member of the LNS network.