We’re building a powerful labor-climate movement to secure an ecologically sustainable and economically just future—from the ground up. 

So everyone can make a living on a living planet.

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Maine AFL-CIO: ‘The Time Is NOW for Labor to Engage with Climate’

Maine AFL-CIO: ‘The Time Is NOW for Labor to Engage with Climate’

The Maine AFL-CIO just passed a resolution at its October Convention “to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality Crisis and Create Union Jobs.” The resolution said climate change poses “an immediate and long-term threat to all working class people, our communities and our economic security.”

Amalgamated Transit Union Bus Drivers Steer Procurement to Electric Busses

Amalgamated Transit Union Bus Drivers Steer Procurement to Electric Busses

Mustafa Salahuddin is the president and business agent of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1316 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. In this edited interview with Labor Network for Sustainability, he tells how the local became part of the company procurement process—leading the company to convert to climate-safe electric buses. Credits Taylor Mayes, Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs.

Want a Model Climate Resolution for Your Union?

Want a Model Climate Resolution for Your Union?

Many unions are considering resolutions on climate change. Here’s one just passed by the local executive board of the Rutgers University AAUP-AFT, that endorses the Green New Deal, demands that Rutgers develop a climate action plan to be carbon neutral, and proclaims...

Signs of the Times: Arts Kit for the Green New Deal

Signs of the Times: Arts Kit for the Green New Deal

Looking for beautiful and powerful graphics for your activities around labor, climate, and the Green New Deal? The Labor Network for Sustainability has partnered with 350.org and engaged artists to create “Green New Deal Arts: Signs of the Times” to share images that people can carry in the streets to help organize for and win a Green New Deal.

Rutgers AAUP-AFT

Rutgers AAUP-AFT

Resolution in Support of the Green New Deal, Student Climate Strikes, and a Climate Action Plan for Rutgers University WHEREAS As a result of human-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, primarily associated with the combustion of fossil fuels, the global climate is...

Maine AFL-CIO Resolutions

Maine AFL-CIO Resolutions

Resolution #4 A Resolution to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality Crisis and Create Union Jobs WHEREAS, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has determined humanity has less than twelve years to accomplish massive reductions in carbon emissions to...

U.S. Unions Back the Climate Strike

U.S. Unions Back the Climate Strike

An estimated 7.6 million people joined the global climate strike September 20-27, making it the largest demonstration against climate change in the world’s history. There were more than six thousand events in 185 countries. 1.4 million participated in Germany; 1 million in Italy; 600,000 in Canada; 500,000 in the US; 350,000 in Australia; and 350,000 in the United Kingdom.

What’s Next for the Climate Strikes?

What’s Next for the Climate Strikes?

Fridays Youth around the world will continue the weekly Friday school strikes for climate they have been conducting for the past year. Next strike The global climate strike coalition will shortly announce the date for a climate strike in November or early December....