We’re building a powerful labor-climate movement to secure an ecologically sustainable and economically just future—from the ground up. 

So everyone can make a living on a living planet.

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New Foundations for the House of Labor?

New Foundations for the House of Labor?

There is a lively debate on how workers can fight for better conditions and a better world today. Proposals range from tweaks like labor law reform or bigger union organizing budgets to efforts to replacing collective bargaining with individual employers with government-sponsored industry-wide national bargaining tables, from replacing “union jurisdiction” with multi-union organizing coalitions. to “solidarity unionism” focused on direct action on the job by independent “worker-led” unions.

Join Transit Equity Day This Saturday, February 4!

Join Transit Equity Day This Saturday, February 4!

The Labor Network for Sustainability’s seventh Transit Equity Day will be on Saturday, February 4, 2023 at Noon EST. It will be carried on the Transit Equity Network YouTube page. We would love for you to join us.

Young Workers’ Trajectory of Climate Consciousness

Young Workers’ Trajectory of Climate Consciousness

The Young Worker Listening Project interviewed 70 young workers in all parts of the country about the ways climate change impacts how they do and think about work, and how their work informs their understanding of the climate crisis and potential solutions. They ranged from 16-year-olds who were just starting to think about what kind of work they might do to 35-year-olds with 20 years experience as construction workers, government employees, teachers, and nonprofit workers.

NY Nurses Union Wins Safer Staffing for Workers and Patients

NY Nurses Union Wins Safer Staffing for Workers and Patients

On January 13, 7,000 nurses at two New York City hospitals returned to work after winning their main priority — improving working conditions by adding nurses to short-staffed hospital floors where they said crowded conditions had put patients at risk and led to stress and burnout among staff.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Jessica Garraway has worked as an educator in Minneapolis Public Schools for roughly six years. She has been organizing and writing on matters such as wealth disparity, racism, colonialism, women’s liberation, labor, and environmental issues for over 10 years. Jessica was also active in the fight to stop the building of what would have been the first Tar Sands mine in the US as well as the Keystone, Dakota Access, and Line 3 pipelines.

Commentary: The Green New Deal in the States – Part 1

Commentary: The Green New Deal in the States – Part 1

Just since the start of 2021 there has been a wave of state legislation and executive action that sets and implements new standards for greenhouse gas emissions. States have greatly expanded their plans for wind and solar energy and energy efficiency. In most cases these are combined with policies specifically designed to create good quality jobs and to counter inequality. This Commentary describes job-creating, justice-promoting climate protection in Hawaii and Illinois. The following Commentary will describe such initiatives in California and evaluate the origins and effects of state-level Green New Deal-style initiatives overall.

Transit Equity Day

Transit Equity Day

LNS is enlarging the scope of “climate workers,’ such as railroaders and transit workers, to lift-up the importance of investing in the transit workforce to create good jobs for operators and maintenance workers as we transition to clean energy transit systems.

Young Worker Organizing

Young Worker Organizing

LNS is empowering a rising generation of young workers to lead the labor-climate movement into the future. This fall, LNS convened an inaugural Young Workers Convergence that brought together nearly 100 young workers from 23 states (as well as DC and Canada) and more than 50 different worker and environmental organizations to participate in workshops…