We’re building a powerful labor-climate movement to secure an ecologically sustainable and economically just future—from the ground up. 

So everyone can make a living on a living planet.

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What Do Clean Energy Programs Mean for Workers?

What Do Clean Energy Programs Mean for Workers?

It’s not every day that workers get to tell representatives of Congress how federal programs affect their work lives. But that’s just what happened when union members working on clean energy projects in Illinois, Maine, and New York spoke about the impact of federal climate investments in their communities to the Clean Energy Workers Roundtable hosted by the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC).

Bargaining for the Common Good in Minnesota

Bargaining for the Common Good in Minnesota

“Bargaining for the Common Good” has become a crucial strategy for organized labor and a key means of forging broad coalitions for mutual support. For the past decade, unions and allies in Minnesota have developed powerful union and community alignments that have won victories at the bargaining table, in the community, and in the legislature.

January 2024 LNS Spotlight: Nayyirah Shariff

January 2024 LNS Spotlight: Nayyirah Shariff

Nayyirah Shariff is a grassroots organizer based in Flint, Michigan and recently joined the LNS Board of Directors! Nayyirah was one of the co-founders of the Flint Democracy Defense League, a grassroots group formed to confront Flint’s emergency manager in 2011.

Transit Equity Day 2024 Coming

Transit Equity Day 2024 Coming

For the sixth year, the Transit Equity Network of Labor Network for Sustainability will celebrate Rosa Park’s birthday with a nationwide Transit Equity Day February 5. Transit rider organizations, labor unions, and transit equity advocates will take attention-grabbing actions locally around the country to dramatize the need for just transit for all.

Auto Workers Win Key Parts of a Just Transition

Auto Workers Win Key Parts of a Just Transition

Through bold strategy and collective action, United Auto Workers (UAW) have won historic gains in their 2023 contracts with the Big 3 Auto companies– gains that turned the tide against an unjust transition to electric vehicles and demonstrated that climate progress and economic justice can and must be won in tandem.

Greenhouse Gases Reach Record High

Greenhouse Gases Reach Record High

The abundance of climate-heating gases in the atmosphere reached record highs in 2022. A new report from the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) finds that climate-heating gases in the atmosphere reached record highs in 2022 and “there is no end in sight to the rising trend,” which is largely driven by the burning of fossil fuels.

US Warming Faster than Global Average

US Warming Faster than Global Average

While it is often asserted that rich countries like the United States will be spared the worst effects of climate change, the recently released Fifth National Climate Assessment finds that temperatures in the US are actually rising faster than the global average. According to the authoritative report, Americans are suffering “far-reaching and worsening” consequences from the climate crisis, with worse to come.