Climate Strikes

States of Change: What the Green New Deal Can Learn from the New Deal in the States

With the likelihood of a federal government sharply divided between Republicans and Democrats, states are likely to play an expanded role in shaping the American future. The aspirations for a Green New Deal may have support from the presidency and the House, but they are likely to be fiercely contested in the Senate and perhaps the Supreme Court. Bold action to address climate and inequality could emerge at the state level. Are there lessons we can learn from the original New Deal about the role of states in a highly conflicted era of reform?

People Power in the Coronavirus Depression

People Power in the Coronavirus Depression

The Coronavirus pandemic and the economic depression accompanying it are already engendering new movements of both employed and unemployed workers. In some ways these resemble the worker and unemployed movements that emerged in the first years of the Great Depression; in other ways they are very different.

Vote–And Count Every Vote!

Vote–And Count Every Vote!

Donald Trump, significantly behind in the polls, appears to be laying the groundwork for illegally attempting to remain in office if he loses the election. Labor organizations around the country are mobilizing to preserve democracy against Trump’s threat of a coup.

Climate Jobs and Just Transition

Climate Jobs and Just Transition

Rhiana Gunn-Wright – Director of Climate Policy, Roosevelt Institute helped kick off the Sept. 22, 2020 Climate Jobs and Just Transition Summit at the Opening Lightening Around with powerful remarks about climate justice.

Young Workers and Just Transition

Young Workers and Just Transition

Aug. 26 the Labor Network for Sustainability and friends hosted “Young Workers and Just Transition,” the fourth in a series of webinars as part of the Just Transition Listening Project.

Let Young Workers Know Their Rights!

Let Young Workers Know Their Rights!

From the This is Zero Hour Facebook page. Eighteen-year-old Zero Hour founder Jamie Margolin recently published her book, “Youth to Power: Your Voice and How to Use It,” which is intended to serve as “the ultimate guide to being a young activist.⁣” The book, along with “Zero Hour’s Getting to The Roots of Climate Change” have educated young people on topics not usually included in their school curricula.

Here’s Why We Must Save the Post Office

Here’s Why We Must Save the Post Office

We use it to write our loved ones, we use it to vote, we use it to get our medications–it’s just there, and we count on it to do what we need without fuss or bother. But with President Trump and his Republican allies fighting to hamstring and eventually destroy it, the US Postal Service needs support from all who benefit from it.

International Day of Giving

International Day of Giving

#Giving Tuesday, happening December 1, is an opportunity for people to use their individual power of generosity to support the communities that are important to them. Whether you’ve just discovered one of our Just Transition Listening Project webinars or have been with us since we first started working to bridge the labor and environmental movements more than a dozen years ago, we’re glad you’re a part of the LNS community!