Climate Strikes

Join LNS at the CLUW Young Working Women Conference, May 7 – 9

Join LNS at the CLUW Young Working Women Conference, May 7 – 9

Members of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) have been integral to the LNS Young Worker Organizing Committee since its inception. CLUW is a national organization that advocates for the rights and empowerment of women in the workplace. Now, participants in the LNS Young Worker Project are organizing the first ever CLUW Young Working Women Conference, May 7 – 9 in Las Vegas, Nevada!

New Foundations for the House of Labor?

New Foundations for the House of Labor?

Workers’ problems are not limited to their relationships with their immediate employers. How can they gain the power to affect the hidden decisionmakers who affect them both at work and in the rest of their lives? Two new books shed light on that question.

Meet the New LNS Co-Directors

Meet the New LNS Co-Directors

The Labor Network for Sustainability is pleased to introduce you to our new Co-Directors, Joshua Dedmond and Liz Ratzloff. Both are experienced activists in labor, environmental, and other movements who have been promoted from the LNS staff to serve as Co-Directors.

Transit Equity Day: Another One in the Books

Transit Equity Day: Another One in the Books

Earlier this month, LNS wrapped up one of LNS’s most visible events — Transit Equity Day. Transit Equity Day is a national day-of-action where many local transit advocates, environmental justice organizations, and labor unions come together to increase awareness of the vast amount of transit inequities within their transit system – as well as their solutions.

Educators Mobilize for Earth Day

Educators Mobilize for Earth Day

Union educators organizing with the Educators Climate Action Network are planning to mobilize their coworkers and with youth movements for action during the week leading up to Earth Day 2023 (April 17th – 22nd).

Climate Disaster Relief

Climate Disaster Relief

Some state and federal programs cover property damage caused by natural disasters, but there have been no support programs for workers who lose work because of floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, fires, and other results of climate change…

Protecting the Workers Who Protect Us All

Protecting the Workers Who Protect Us All

On February 15 staff at the US Environmental Protection Agency rallied to demand more adequate staffing for the agency that protects our environment and our climate. Council 238 of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), which represents EPA employees, said…

New Foundations for the House of Labor?

New Foundations for the House of Labor?

There is a lively debate on how workers can fight for better conditions and a better world today. Proposals range from tweaks like labor law reform or bigger union organizing budgets to efforts to replacing collective bargaining with individual employers with government-sponsored industry-wide national bargaining tables, from replacing “union jurisdiction” with multi-union organizing coalitions. to “solidarity unionism” focused on direct action on the job by independent “worker-led” unions.