Climate Strikes

Protecting Workers and Communities–From Below | Part 1: On the Ground

Protecting Workers and Communities–From Below | Part 1: On the Ground

Climate protection will create jobs for workers and economic development for communities. But as fossil fuel facilities are closed down there will also be some jobs lost and some communities will lose taxes and other economic benefits. This Commentary recounts what communities around the country are doing “on the ground” to protect workers and local economies from collateral damage from the transition to climate-safe energy.

Young Workers Face the Climate Future

Young Workers Face the Climate Future

As Project Manager of the LNS Young Worker Listening Project and an organizer of the LNS Young Workers Convergence on Climate, Maria Breschia-Weiler has worked with, surveyed, and interviewed hundreds of young workers. In a talk March 3, 2023 to the DC Youth Climate Strike, organized by Fridays for the Future, Maria provided some reflections on what she has learned from the process.

“Rocking Chair Rebellion”

“Rocking Chair Rebellion”

On March 21 senior citizens held more than 100 climate actions around the country. Participants included retired trade unionists from 30 different international unions.

Labor and the Willow Project

Labor and the Willow Project

On March 13, the Biden administration announced approval of ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project, the largest fossil fuel extraction project on federal lands in history. It is expected to produce five hundred and seventy-five million barrels of oil over the next thirty years.

LNS Supports Railroad Workers United’s Demand to Nationalize the Railroads

LNS Supports Railroad Workers United’s Demand to Nationalize the Railroads

There is a through-line between the denial of sick days to railroad workers and residents of East Palestine fleeing their homes in the aftermath of a derailed freight train poisoning their town. The through-line is the rail industry’s drive for profit costing workers and communities their health and safety. The through-line is workers sounding the alarm, to no avail.

Heat Still Killing California Workers

Heat Still Killing California Workers

Seventeen years ago California passed one of the nation’s first workplace heat stress rules. Since then California has been inundated with heat waves resulting from global warming.

The Green New Deal Is Alive and Well and Transforming Our States

The Green New Deal Is Alive and Well and Transforming Our States

In the past two years there has been a wave of state legislation and executive action that sets and implements new standards for greenhouse gas emissions. States have greatly expanded their plans for wind and solar energy and energy efficiency. In most cases these are combined with policies specifically designed to create good quality jobs and to counter inequality.