We’re building a powerful labor-climate movement to secure an ecologically sustainable and economically just future—from the ground up. 

So everyone can make a living on a living planet.

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How Labor and Climate United Can Trump Trump

How Labor and Climate United Can Trump Trump

Donald Trump and his congressional Republican allies have taken control of the U.S. government. The result threatens to be devastating for both labor and the climate -- not to mention immigrants, African Americans, Muslims, women, children, the elderly, the disabled,...

Vermont Labor Council Initiates Social Self-Defense

Vermont Labor Council Initiates Social Self-Defense

by Traven Leyshon, president of the Green Mountain Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Communications & Community Engagement Coordinator Vermont State Labor Council, AFL-CIO   Following on what was for many of us the surprise election of Trump, and the consolidation...

Jobs, Justice, and the Clean-Energy Future

Jobs, Justice, and the Clean-Energy Future

A series of reports by the Labor Network for Sustainability (LNS), and partners provides good news: The U.S. can meet the targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction that climate scientists say are necessary while also creating half-a-million jobs annually and reducing the cost of energy to consumers. The reports, gathered in the LNS Climate, Jobs, and Justice Project, also show that protecting the climate in a way that maximizes the benefit for working people and discriminated-against groups will take deliberate public policies and action by unions and their social movement allies.

Dakota Access Pipeline and the Future of American Labor

Dakota Access Pipeline and the Future of American Labor

By Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability As United States Energy Transfers Partners began building the Dakota Access Pipeline through territory sacred to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, the tribe began an escalating campaign against the pipeline. By this...

Why Trade Unionists Should March for a Clean Energy  Revolution

Why Trade Unionists Should March for a Clean Energy Revolution

By Joe Uehlein Labor Network for Sustainability The Labor Network for Sustainability is calling on trade unionists to go to Philadelphia to march for a Clean Energy Revolution on Sunday, July 24. Why? We face shocking new data that climate scientists have gathered in...



A Discussion Paper on Protecting Workers and Communities in the Great Energy Transition
By Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D

This discussion paper presents a strategy for protecting workers and communities that may be threatened by the current and future transformation of the U.S. energy system. It is derived from the…