Introducing Strike!: Jeremy Brecher’s Corner

Introducing Strike!: Jeremy Brecher’s Corner

By Jeremy Brecher, LNS Research and Policy Director This is the first, introductory commentary of “Strike!: Jeremy Brecher’s Corner.” It asks, is there any way we can deliver ourselves from mutual destruction by climate change and/or nuclear holocaust? A listing of...
The Future of Climate Strikes

The Future of Climate Strikes

By Jeremy Brecher, LNS Research and Policy Director This is the first in a series of commentaries on the Future of Climate Strikes. This introductory commentary asks whether strikes and forms of mass direct action “people power” might help halt climate destruction and...
Labor in the Climate Emergency

Labor in the Climate Emergency

Then, following up on the historic Climate Strikes in September, youth activists are calling for trade unionists and other adults to join an even more overwhelming action the week of Earth Day, April 22. You can learn about about these events from this newsletter—and...
The Power of the Powerless

The Power of the Powerless

By Jeremy Brecher, LNS Research and Policy Director This commentary maintains that the power of the powerful depends on the cooperation and acquiescence of other people. If enough of those others refuse to go along, they can undermine the “pillars of support” of those...