Groups concerned about climate, labor, and justice have been working diligently to develop ideas and plans for this promising moment. Here are some we encourage the Biden administration and Congress to study as they prepare:
- The Green New Deal Network has laid out the THRIVE agenda, “a vision to revive our economy while addressing these interlocking crises of climate change, racial injustice, public health, and economic inequity with a plan to create dignified jobs for millions of unemployed workers and support a better life for the millions more who remain vulnerable.”
- The Evergreen Action Plan, originally initiated by Washington governor Jay Inslee, provides detailed plans for a national mobilization for worker-friendly climate policy. It has now laid out a detailed plan for what each federal agency can do to mobilize for climate protection.
- The Build Back Fossil Free Coalition proposes a set of executive actions that the Biden administration can take immediately to protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities; end the era of fossil fuel production, reject fossil fuel projects, and eliminate giveaways to oil, gas, and coal corporations; and launch a national climate mobilization to Build Back Fossil Free, delivering jobs, justice, and opportunity for all.
- The Center for Biological Diversity has just issue a report laying out 50 critical environmental protections the Biden administration can implement without action by Congress.