Climate Strikes

UAW Calls for Cease-Fire in Gaza

UAW Calls for Cease-Fire in Gaza

The United Auto Workers international, which represents 400,000 workers and 580,000 retirees, called on December 1 for a cease-fire in Israel and Palestine.

The Green New Deal and the Politics of the Possible

The Green New Deal and the Politics of the Possible

The previous Commentaries in this series have examined many aspects of the Green New Deal that is emerging from below. This Commentary tells how the Green New Deal at the local state, and regional levels is transforming the limits of what people believe to be possible. The next several Commentaries will provide an overview of the programs, organizations, and politics that have made this transformation possible.

2023 UAW + Big Three Contracts 101

2023 UAW + Big Three Contracts 101

In September 2023, the United Auto Workers union (UAW) went on strike against the Big Three automakers — Ford, GM, and Stellantis. After more than a month of picket lines and bold strike tactics, the union has ratified contracts with the Big Three.

Green New Deal Justice—from Below

Green New Deal Justice—from Below

Almost by definition Green New Deal projects simultaneously address climate protection, worker empowerment, and justice. This Commentary will look at Green New Deal projects and networks that emerged from discriminated-against communities and put issues of justice front and center.

Auto Workers Win Step Toward a Just Transition

Auto Workers Win Step Toward a Just Transition

In the on-going strike by UAW auto workers against the auto industry Big Three, one of the central objectives is to win a just transition to climate safe vehicle production for auto workers. At press time the strike continues, but the union has already won significant concessions that will contribute to a just transition.

A “Just Transition” for Auto Workers – Just What Is It?

A “Just Transition” for Auto Workers – Just What Is It?

The strike by the UAW against the Big Three auto companies has brought together autoworkers and climate advocates around the demand for a just transition to a climate-safe auto industry. But what is a just transition? Why is a just transition necessary? And how could a just transition for auto workers be achieved?

Join a Picket Line?

Join a Picket Line?

Picket lines are an essential way that workers show their determination and collective power. And they are a key way that others can show their support. Environmental, environmental justice, community, and other supporters have been joining picket lines at auto plants around the country to show their solidarity with striking auto workers.