Photos: In the spirit of organized labor, the Convergence featured banners in the main ballroom throughout Friday evening and Saturday–a few are shown above. Special thank you to all of the union representatives who transported or shipped their banners to Chicago.
In a follow-up letter to Convergence participants LNS Executive Director Michael Leon Guererro laid out these next steps for trade unionists to mobilize their unions to fight for and help shape the Green New Deal:
- Educate your union and others about the climate crisis
- Encourage discussion, debate and active engagement of your union or organization in the development of the Green New Deal and other climate policy
- Pass a resolution on these issues, (you can use this sample resolution)
- Designate a point person or committee to continue to work on these issues and stay connected to LNS
- Support the Student Climate Strikes on September 20
- Contact your Representatives and Senators to support extension of pensions and healthcare for mine workers. (see these sample letters to Congressional GND co-sponsors
- Join LNS as an individual and/or as a union