Many unions have passed resolutions on climate change, but you may wonder how to make them more than “feel good” statements that have no effect on the struggle to protect the climate. The convention of the American Federation of Teachers just passed an action agenda, promoted by its Climate and Environmental Justice Caucus, to implement the strong climate resolutions the union has passed in the past.
- The AFT encourage all locals to participate in local coalitions and efforts to advance implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act to transition their schools, universities and hospitals to clean energy alternatives; and
- The AFT and its locals pressure the States to do more to enable every community to make the energy transition especially by making no-interest loans available for up-front costs for decarbonization for public schools, universities, and hospitals; and
- The AFT and its locals prioritize low income communities that are, in general, more vulnerable to the predicted ravages of climate change and more likely to experience the high asthma rates associated with burning fossil fuels; and,
- The AFT and its locals urge and support efforts to ensure our young people engage in robust, meaningful, interdisciplinary climate change and climate justice curricula with the goal of preparing students to participate productively and responsibly in a rapidly changing world, and in emerging green, sustainable professions; and
- The AFT advance this work through articles in American Educator and state-wide communications, paving the way for AFT locals to join coalitions and organize for cities, towns, counties and states to support and facilitate the efforts to implement the IRA in our public schools, universities and hospitals.
For full text of resolution: