Above: Music City Riders United in Nashville was one of many organizations who encouraged action on #TransitEquityDay. MCRU shared results from a survey they distributed on equal access to mass transit and the safety of bus-stops. They also asked people to share what Transit Equity means to them. So much more excellent action to see on Twitter.
People in more than 50 cities in 16 states took part in activities for Transit Equity Day. activities around the country on February 4. Congressional Representatives Barbara Lee and Ilhan Omar also tweeted about TED.
On a day where the debacle of the Iowa Caucuses and the impeachment effort against Donald Trump dominated the news, #TransitEquityDay was trending in social media several times during the day.
A Daily Kos Transit Equity Day petition collected 32,680 signatures and counting. The petition will be online for another four weeks and will be a resource for community groups and unions in their advocacy efforts in the coming months.
The Amalgamated Transit Union, Transport Workers Union of America and several other union locals were active working with dozens of community based organizations and national groups including Sierra Club, Greenpeace, 350.org, Oil Change International, Jobs to Move America, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Institute for Policy Studies.
This is the third year of Transit Equity Day and it has grown each year.
Photos above, geography at a glance: Top left: Hartford, Conn.; top right: Santa Fe, New Mexico; bottom left: Atlanta; bottom right: Pittsburgh.
Here is a sampling of media that has come out so far in 2020:
- KRQE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Atlanta Video Network
- Charleston City Paper, South Carolina
- Fox 61, Hartford, Conn.
- WQOW, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- King County TV
- Maryland Matters
- Local 24, Memphis
- Insider New Jersey
- Nonprofit Quarterly
- Sierra Club Northstar Chapter (Minnesota)
- WRAL, Raleigh, North Carolina
Other Links:
- #TransitEquityDay on Facebook
- #TransitEquityDay on Twitter
- Montgomery County Proclamation
- Sign the Action Network Petition »