Special Live-Stream Event: Pray for the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living

Join us for a special online event and day of action on Tuesday, July 14 to fight for essential workers.

At 1 p.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday, July 14, the Labor Network for Sustainability and the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) will co-host a special live-stream event to Pray for the Dead and Fight Like Hell for the Living.  

We’ll debut “In Memoriam,” a new video honoring essential workers who have lost their lives after exposure to COVID-19—and provide information about how you can help win life-saving protections for those still on the job.

I will be joined by Academy Award-winning actor and activist Jane Fonda, Secretary-Treasurer of 1199 Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers East, and LNS Board Member Maria Castaneda; Executive Vice President of the American Postal Workers Union Debby Szeredy; Monique Dale, widow of APWU member Richard Dale; Leonard Roseus, son of deceased 1199SEIU member Dr. Yves Roseus, and other family members and colleagues of fallen workers. Greenpeace and National COSH are also collaborating to host this live tribute and call-to-action. This event is also supported by MoveOn.

Here’s the link to register and receive updates about the event. You can also subscribe to our Youtube channel to be alerted of when the event starts and watch it live there. This event will be bilingual. To hear the event interpreted into Spanish while you view the livestream, please call (312) 626-6799; 881 4316 5512.

As you know, millions of workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis are saving lives, delivering necessities, sanitizing public spaces, and staffing essential businesses. And they’re doing it without proper equipment and safety standards.

Tragically, thousands of frontline workers have lost their lives and countless more are at risk unless vital protections are put in place. Yet the Senate has failed to pass a federal stimulus package and include critically needed safety and health protections and resources. On the heels of our #SenateFail action, which took place around the country yesterday, we will keep the momentum going by asking lawmakers to #Fight4theLiving; we’ll have information available on July 14 about how you can take immediate action.

We hope you can join us on July 14 and please share this invitation with your network and your contacts. Also, you can help make this day of action a success by sharing these sample social media posts and Facebook event announcement.