NATIONWIDE #StrikeForBlackLives
Monday, July 20, 2020

The color of our skin or where we live shouldn’t determine whether or not we can live healthy and whole lives. The pandemic changed our lives and deepened the divides that have plagued us for centuries. Millions have lost their jobs. Millions more are forced to pick between their lives and their livelihoods. Too many of us lack healthcare in the face of a deadly virus–and this is to say nothing of the climate crisis before us. 

Black people bear the brunt of all of these challenges. 

Corporations run by greed–and indifferent lawmakers whom they bankroll–are choosing to look away while Black people suffer under the quadruple crisis of higher fatalities from COVID-19, unchecked police brutality, a rigged economy that only works for the very few at the top, and climate injustice. Until Black people can thrive, none of our communities can, which means we cannot succeed in our movement toward a society that is economically just and ecologically sustainable.

On Monday, July 20, 2020, on what will be a historic day, we will unite to fight for a world where Black lives are valued and where Black workers can build economic power—with real checks on corporate power—by using our power and withholding our labor. We are supporting the effort to #Strike4BlackLives.


There are a variety of ways to take part, even if you can’t leave home or strike.

Pledge to participate
in the #StrikeforBlackLives.

Look for #StrikeforBlackLives
action near you.

You Can Also Join Us on Twitter

If you can’t join or start an action in your area, what’s important is that you take action. Along with the Labor Network for Sustainability, please join digital hosts from Service Employees International Union, the Movement for Black Lives, Fight for 15 and other digital reps from allies in the labor, climate and civil rights movements for a Twitter chat at 2 p.m. Eastern on Monday, July 20. Use hashtag #StrikeforBlackLives. As this effort makes impact on the ground, so shall we online.
Follow @LN4S to stay up-to-date.


Our power comes from fighting together. United, we will win.