by Ming | Aug 1, 2019 | Articles, GND Labor Endorsements, Green New Deal, Labor Convergence
The Labor Network for Sustainability held its Third National Labor Convergence on Climate in Chicago, June 28-29. The theme was “Strengthening Labor’s Voice to Help Shape Green New Deal.” With over 250 participants hailing from 86 different union locals, 9...
by Ming | Aug 1, 2019 | Articles, GND Labor Endorsements, Green New Deal, Labor Convergence
How can the basic themes animating the Labor Convergence on Climate be made available to labor organizations and activists around the country? The Convergence unveiled a new tool, a PowerPoint presentation headlined “We Need a National Political and Economic...
by Ming | Aug 1, 2019 | Articles, GND Labor Endorsements, Green New Deal, Jobs and Climate, Labor Convergence
Harrity outlined several reasons for local unions, labor councils, state or regional organizations to do this survey: INPUT FROM THE MEMBERSHIP: The survey should give you information about the current and anticipated impact of climate change on your members. ANALYSIS...
by Ming | Aug 1, 2019 | Articles, GND Labor Endorsements, Green New Deal, Labor Convergence
Photos: In the spirit of organized labor, the Convergence featured banners in the main ballroom throughout Friday evening and Saturday–a few are shown above. Special thank you to all of the union representatives who transported or shipped their banners to...