Liz Ratzloff started working with LNS in October 2021 to research how the workforce will be affected by the electrification of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and how we can ensure a Just Transition for workers and communities in the transportation sector. She previously worked as the staff organizer for the University of Michigan graduate employees union, GEO (AFT local #3550). In 2020, Liz organized a strike for a safe and just pandemic response and led efforts to establish a People’s Budget, centering the priorities of workers and the broader community through participatory budgeting.
Liz started and chairs the Just Transition Committee at the AFL-CIO Huron Valley Area Labor Federation and is working on building the local infrastructure needed to move the local economy off of fossil fuels and toward clean energy, while ensuring good jobs for workers. Liz is also the Vice President of the Huron Valley Workers Organizing and Research Center (HV-WORC), which provides research and education in support of worker efforts to organize and act collectively to improve their working and living conditions.