Industrial carbon massive emissions and pollution from fossil fuels is generating global warming crisis and harming humanity. Concept illustration about climate crisis.

In response to the Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v EPA that gutted the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, Marie Owens Powell, President of AFGE Council 238, which represents EPA employees, recently stated,

The decision attacks our union, 7500-plus E. P. A. workers across the country. It strips federal scientists of their ability to help the American public tackle the worst effects of climate change. And it strips the E. P. A. of its power to protect the environment and our communities from a worsening climate crisis. The decision essentially made it so E. P. A. scientists need to request permission from Congress in order to do our job, which is the protection of human health and the environment.

Nicole Cantello, the president of the local representing E.P.A. workers in the Midwest, said the Supreme Court has “declared war on A.F.G.E. Local 704.” She added that “Gutting of the Clean Air Act has the effect of causing thousands of people to suffer grievous consequences because of the new radical ideas the majority justices have used to destroy your future.”

Britta Copt, President of AFGE Local 3607, which represents EPA employees in Denver, Colorado and Helena, Montana, said:

Every American, regardless of race, gender, income or geography wants the same thing: to be able to provide a better future for our children. Together, we can accomplish long-term, meaningful change. You are the most powerful decision makers in our fight for climate justice. You must demand climate justice from your Representatives and Senators, and demand that they reverse this Supreme Court decision. Stand in solidarity with EPA scientists and fight for E.P.A. and all other agencies that protect our environment and our communities.