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Whereas, our members and our communities are suffering the ravages of pollution and climate change, as evidenced by extreme weather, unprecedented wild fires in urban areas and wilderness, continuing drought, rising temperatures, record hurricans and floods, and rising sea level; and

Whereas, we are at a crossroads and have a critical opportunity to shape which path we’re going to take: the path of the status quo or a just transition to a 100% sustainable, renewable energy economy; and

Whereas, politians from California and around the world will be meeting in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit Sept. 12 to 15 (; and

Whereas, Labor is uniting with social, racial, economic and environmental justice organizations to plan global Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice actions Sept. 8 that send a message to the Summit, our government and the world that the time for half-measures and false solutions is over; and

Whereas, the key anchor event of the global People’s Climate Movement is in San Francisco and our allies will march in massive numbers demanding healthy air, healthy food and healthy water; and

Whereas, it is critical that Labor’s voice is represented and that we join with our allies to defend the rights of immigrants and wll workers i our struggle for a just transition to a systme that places people over profit,

Therefore Be it Resolved that the San Francisco Labor Council endorses the Sept. 8 Mobilization California Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice and encourages our member unions to take part in turning out a large labor contingent for a huge march that demonstrates popular support for a more just and speedy transition to a renewable energy society.

Submitted by Marth Hawthorne, SEIU 1021; KatheySetian IFPTE 201; Allan Fisher AFT 2121; Gus Vallejo, IFPTE 21; and Debra Grabelle, IFPTE 21, and unanimously adopted by the San Franciso Labor Council on July 9, 2018.


Rudy Gonzalez
Interim Executive Director