By Judy Asman

Photo: Copyright Stephen F. Somerstein via Getty Images

With the dawning of a new era, the Labor Network for Sustainability and allies are more excited than ever to host Transit Equity Days (yes “Days”) 2021. Official announcements of Feb. 3 and Feb. 4, 2021 actions will kick off on Monday, Dec. 21, the same day Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition hosts its Virtual Rally: Baltimore Transit Equity Solidarity Day.

If you’ve participated in Transit Equity Day since 2018, you know the Transit Equity Network has selected Feb. 4, Rosa Parks’ birthday, as its day of action because she is an iconic figure among many of the civil rights era who chose the tactic of refusing to give up her seat on the bus. We want to make the connection to this act of resistance to highlight the rights of all people to high-quality public transportation powered by clean/renewable energy.

Tomorrow, Dec. 1, marks the 65th year since Ms. Parks’ history-changing act, which sparked a 381-day bus boycott leading to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the Montgomery federal court’s ruling that racial segregation on buses violated the 14th Amendment.

The Supreme Court decision took place on Dec. 20, 1956, making Dec. 21 of that same year the first day in history when Blacks in America chose where they wanted to sit on integrated buses. Sixty-four years later, on Dec. 21, 2020, the Transit Equity Network will join with allies of the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition to celebrate this landmark date and rally online for #transitequity in the current struggle for local and national funding toward safe, equitable and accessible public transportation propelled by renewable energy.

Stay tuned for more about Transit Equity Days 2021 and RSVP today for the Dec. 21, 2020 Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition rally here.