Above: Watch the video in English or in Spanish.
As part of the campaign for Personal Protective Equipment and proper public health standards for workers, on July 14 the Labor Network for Sustainability launched “In Memoriam,” a new video honoring essential workers who have lost their lives after exposure to COVID-19.
LNS member, actor, activist, and founder of Fire Drill Fridays Jane Fonda, who envisioned “In Memoriam” after being extremely moved at our March 26 meeting of labor and environmental leaders, introduced the video as part of a program that also included LNS Executive Director Michael Leon Guerrero and LNS members Maria Castañeda, Secretary-Treasurer of 1199 Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers East; Debby Szeredy, Executive Vice President of the American Postal Workers Union; Monique Dale, widow of APWU member Richard Dale; Leonard Roseus, son of deceased 1199SEIU member Dr. Yves Roseus, and other family members and colleagues of fallen workers, including guest to the event Yohanny Arias, daughter of Elena Caceres, a UNITE HERE Local 100 member.
Greenpeace and the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health also collaborated to host this live tribute and call-to-action.
The watchword for the program was labor heroine Mother Jones’ appeal to “Pray for the dead, fight like hell for the living.” Watch and share the “In Memoriam” video.